Computer donation to the Collège Moderne LTA
SAN RUBBER donated computer equipment to the Collège Moderne LTA in Cocody. This donation, made on March 10, 2023, is an initiative of our company in response to our commitment to…
by SAN RUBBER LTD | Aug 31, 2024 | Activity, News
SAN RUBBER SA: avec vous, pour un caoutchouc naturel durable et éco-responsable. Le samedi 31 août 2024, l’usine SAN RUBBER a organisé une journée verte mémorable, marquée par une importante campagne de plantation d’arbres. Cette initiative, soigneusement préparée par...by SAN RUBBER LTD | Mar 10, 2023 | Activity
SAN RUBBER donated computer equipment to the Collège Moderne LTA in Cocody. This donation, made on March 10, 2023, is an initiative of our company in response to our commitment to…by SAN RUBBER LTD | Jan 5, 2023 | Activity
SAN RUBBER, in its environmental and social policy, wants to be exempt from any regulatory and legal reproaches in the measures taken for the management of resources. This has been the case for 4 years, the company has given itself the...