We are pleased to announce that SAN RUBBER was recently awarded the prestigious "Bronze" d'Ecovadis for its exemplary performance in terms of sustainable development. This distinction demonstrates our continued commitment to social and environmental responsibility, and it represents a major step in our journey towards a more ethical and environmentally friendly business.
The label Ecovadis is recognized internationally as a benchmark for assessing the environmental, social and ethical performance of companies. This distinction, obtained after a rigorous assessment of our sustainable practices, demonstrates our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, promoting a responsible supply chain, fostering diversity and inclusion within our organization, as well as adopting ethical business practices.
We would like to warmly thank the entire SAN RUBBER team for their dedication and unfailing commitment to our common goal of sustainable development . It is thanks to the collective effort of each of our employees that we were able to achieve this level of recognition.
Furthermore, this distinction would not have been possible without the valuable support of our partners and suppliers. Their adherence to our ethical values and commitment to sustainable practices were key factors in our success in achieving the “Bronze” label d'Ecovadis.
At SAN RUBBER, we are aware that our responsibility towards the planet and future generations is paramount. This is why we consider this label to be an important step in our journey towards continuous improvement of our sustainable practices. We will continue to invest in environmental initiatives, strengthen our partnerships with committed organizations, and actively promote social responsibility within our industry.
In conclusion, we warmly thank the Ecovadis for this significant recognition and we remain determined to continue our efforts towards an ever more responsible and environmentally friendly company.